These are conditions that affect the organs of the body responsible for gaseous exchange. Respiratory diseases may differ in causes, intensity, signs, symptoms and the organs they attack. Some respiratory diseases are genetic. Other causes are viral, fungal, allergic reactions and bacterial infections. Examples of viruses include adenovirus, coronavirus, influenza and rhinovirus. Bacterial infections include staphylococcus, haemophilus, moraxella and streptococcus. Fungal are such as candida.
Five of the most common respiratory diseases are inclusive of the following
????????? Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). It is a combination of various respiratory infections such as asthma and chronic bronchitis caused by the narrowing of the lung vessels. The symptoms include breathing difficulties, coughing and wheezing.
????????? Asthma. Asthmas are triggered by substances such as cigarette smoke, pollen, fume from chemicals to mention but a few. It involves loss of breath and gasping. Death from this condition is not common. Breathing difficulties are reduced using an inhaler or any other medication recommended by a doctor.
????????? Tuberculosis is a disease caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis which does not produce symptoms immediately unless the immune system has been compromised. ?This disease is air borne and easily spread from one person to another. It is also treatable with the appropriate kind of medication.
????????? Pneumonia is one among the numerous respiratory diseases caused by germs which eventually reach the lungs. This results to breathing difficulties that are accompanied by chest pains. Coughing while expelling yellowish sputum, chills and fever. Antibiotics are used to manage bacterial infections but a respiratory health specialist should be consulted first.
????????? Respiratory tumors. They can be cancerous or non cancerous. Major malignant tumors of the lungs include pulmonary blastoma, carcinoid tumor and hodgkin?s disease. Cancers of the respiratory system include mesothelioma, lung cancer and lymphoma. Pulmonary hamartoma is an example of a non cancerous tumor which is less likely to cause respiratory diseases.
????????? Bronchitis. As a result of infection? or irritation of the respiratory organs, inflammation occurs which characterizes bronchitis. Bronchitis can be chronic or acute. Symptoms of acute bronchitis include;?
Dry cough fever???Yellow or greenish and sometimes blood tinged mucus, wheezing
Chronic bronchitis is more long lasting. Symptoms are similar to acute bronchitis with additional ones such as bluing of lips and swelling of feet and hands.
Diagnosis includes biopsy, samples of tissues or sputum and x rays. When experiencing breathing difficulties, it would be wise to consult a doctor before choosing medication.????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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