Dear Senator Marco Rubio,
The immigration tide is turning since the downfall of Arizona State Senator Russell Pearce, who launched a wave of anti-immigrant state laws across the nation that began with the harsh law in Arizona, which you supported.
We recently learnt that you want the GOP to tone down the anti-immigrant rhetoric; however, we need more than just lip service from you. You see the problem, and the reason for Republican State lawmakers implementing their anti-immigrant bills that comes with the nasty and hateful rhetoric, has much to do with the broken immigration system. There is no question the system is broken, and it seems as if all state Republican lawmakers are drumming to the same beat and to the tune of: "It is the responsibility of the government to fix the immigration system." That's where you come in as a federal lawmaker. As a federal lawmaker, it is your duty to step in and help fix the broken federal immigration policy, and to respect the supremacy clause that keeps our states united and to protect the United States Constitution. It is simply unreasonable to have 50 different immigration laws throughout the country while maintaining sound relationships and trade agreements with our neighbors.
We are asking for more than just lip service and a mere request to tone down anti-immigrant rhetoric. We would like for federal lawmakers like you to fix the broken immigration system. You can do so by simply calling Senator Bob Menendez of New Jersey and working with the legal immigration reform bill he has implemented. His office should be willing to work with you on getting a reasonable plan underway. Senator Menendez needs one Republican sponsor -- and I believe that you can be that sponsor.
So far, all we have seen from you is your enforcement-only support for large government and bureaucratic ideas via national e-verify. E-verify puts additional burdens on the small business owner. We know that enforcement-only policies do not work, and this is proven when we have already achieved 100% of operational goals under the Bush Secure Fence Act of 2006. It is now time to also work on a plan that will bring my people out (and several others in the international community) from the shadows of society.
I don't believe you can quite empathize with our pain, since you are of Cuban descent and may not understand how harsh anti-immigrant laws affect us. Perhaps it is because you are taking advantage of how several in Florida have benefitted from privileged Cuban amnesty under the Cuban Adjustment Act (CAA). Several ethnic communities from across the globe do not receive a privileged amnesty, and it can start with your help, Mr. Rubio. You have the power to help other immigrants with the power afforded to you, and all you have to do is reach across the aisle with Senator Robert Menendez and work on fixing the broken system. Unlike Idaho Republican Congressman Ra?l R. Labrador who wants to do away with the CAA, the Tequila Party fully supports Cuban immigrants coming into our country under the CAA just as we do other immigrants who flee their corrupt nations to achieve the American dream.
Our Tequila Party has the support of your own Floridian Cuban immigrants who hurt to see you take anti-DREAM Act and enforcement-only approaches on the immigration system. Cuban-Americans fully recognize that those of Cuban descent only make up 3% of the total Hispanic population pie, and they are concerned about Mexican-American and Cuban-American relationships. Those of Mexican descent make up almost 70% of the Hispanic population pie, and this is why your own constituents have reached out to us. They want us (Tequila Party leaders) to help free Cuba with the strength of our "Mexican-American" numbers. We are fully prepared to help and direct our efforts to "FREE CUBA / CUBA LIBRE" but that is contingent upon whether or not Cuban senators step up to the plate during a tough Latino-American era. Senator Bob Menendez has already taken that first step because he has not forgotten about the struggles of immigrants. Jos? Mart? once said: "He who could have been a torch and stoops to being a pair of jaws is a deserter." As such, there are several international immigrants who do not benefit from immigration privileges or amnesty and we believe you have the ability to be a torch.
Legal immigration reform is past due, and we are late as record numbers get deported. We are asking that you get on the right side of the immigration issue right now because the Latino community has been asking you to get on the right side for months. History will record in this difficult anti-Latino era who was compassionate and who was not in the time of our need.
Please contact Senator Menendez to hammer out a reasonable secure borders and legal immigration reform plan. Being a leader means we need to make tough decisions during a time when it is unpopular to do so. Time is of the essence since we are hearing news that Republican Congressman Lamar Smith of Texas thinks President Obama is not deporting enough of my people, and we know Smith is not speaking the truth. We see the two forces at play hurting, yet helping the anti-immigrant agenda, and we will continue to do what we can with fervor to help those who are weak, defenseless and scared.
The National Tequila Party Movement
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