Thursday, February 2, 2012

Falling Out of Love and Its Symptoms

Love truly heightens every emotion. From recognizing the love for another person, one can almost instantly feel the change in perspective in their lives and their aspirations for the future. However, much like any other foundation, love must be founded on solid grounds for a relationship to grow. Taking care of love and relationships will require work from both parties and a conscious effort on a daily basis.

But just as it is a mystery as to why the love bug hit you, falling out of love is also a mystery. Some people don?t even realize when they are falling out of love because it happens so gradually. For others, it is just too obvious to be ignored. Falling in love may be confused with infatuation or a strong first impression, but falling out of love will hit you head on.

- During the honeymoon stage, you spend a lot of time communicating whether it is just through the phone or email. However, when falling out of love this communication greatly decreases. Communication will decrease both in quality and quantity. The frequency greatly decreases and you can see that it may not be as thoughtful or special as it once was.

- Time spent together also decreases in quality and quantity. What used to be a regular weekend date schedule now turns into every other week or once a month. For couples living together, the time spent together or outside the home decreases as one may be unavailable for most time for one reason or another. There seems to be less quality time as well as time spent together may be bland or boring. Sometimes, each person is so engaged in their own activities and responsibilities that they don?t make time to do things together.

- Time is now spent with other people compared to the times spent together growing the relationship. The other partner may also be found talking about other things and other people and rarely mentions the other partner.

- The communication is different than it was before and no longer feels special anymore. Before, spending time together was filled with fun and laughter. When falling out of love, the communication no longer seems fun or happy anymore. Sometimes, communication can even be more negative, filled with arguments over little things.

- One may also feel that the partnership is falling away because they feel they don?t know the other person on a deeper level and that decisions are made individually instead of working it out together.

- The other person may also feel more moody as feelings are being gauged and monitored at this point. What is truly ecstatic in one moment can turn into a feeling of sadness or emptiness for no reason at all.

- A simple but very helpful sign is having that gut feel that the relationship isn?t the same as before. Knowing that this is a true gut feel and not just paranoia will help you see whether your love is now faltering or not.

Criss White is a professional article writer for relationships, wedding, and various other topics. To view some heart wedding favors or to get some cinderella wedding favors, visit Bridal and Wedding Favors.

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