Monday, July 16, 2012

Lisa Ray Cancer Gave Me a Life Worth Living


A ?cancer graduate? is (now) an old synonym she uses for herself. Lisa Ray is set to begin another chapter in her life ? marriage. Here she talks about love, life and more. Read on...

You always put yourself last?
I did, but that was before I was diagnosed with cancer. My life was different then. In fact, I don?t know if I can call it life in the real sense. It was all about work, work and work. I think I missed out on a lot of things that bring joy. I didn?t have time for myself or for others. Cancer has, in a way, given me a life worth living. Today, I don?t put myself last.

You?re marrying at the age of 40...
(Pauses) I like the fact that I am marrying at 40, because today I am a more mature and balanced person. I have seen life through its ups and downs, I have understood relationships, the secrets of life and I?m well placed today. When people ask me ?What are the projects you are doing now?? I say, I have a lot of projects in hand and marriage is one of them. It?s a project that needs to be taken seriously and worked upon. But frankly, I think if I was married in my 20s, the marriage would?ve failed. That?s because my life was different. I didn?t have balance then. Moreover, life had many teachings in store. Then came cancer, and people attached to me had to understand what I had been going through. So, when I look back, I think I am marrying at the right time.

Has your fianc? Jason Dehni changed anything about you?
He has made me a practical person. To think with your heart is fine, but not always. I?m so glad I?m sharing my life with him because he has stood by me...always.

So when is the wedding?
I?d always said that when I do get married, I?d announce it openly. I?m keeping my promise and giving out all the details of the wedding. October 20 coincides with Durga puja and since I have Bengali genes in me, it?s the perfect date.

Author: Rupam Jain


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