Friday, November 16, 2012

Real Estate Investing Gaming Website For Sale - Big - WebsiteBroker

Virtual Real Estate .com - Unique Website Business For Sale

I am positive that this will be THE most interesting site offering you have seen all week. You should read my site offering, even if for no other reason, then to educate yourself on what a website should look like when considering buying one in the future. This site truly sets the bar up a notch in technology development.. and best of it its REALLY neat!

DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY You can purchase this website by hitting the Buy Now button below!

ONLY $395

Questions? Email me at

This is on of the hottest websites of the year and I hope it has your name written on it. Now I'm going to tell you why I have spent so much of my time building this.

*Please Read Entire Sales Proposal Before Purchasing*

The Virtual Real Estate Game Established Website Business For Sale

What the website does is simple -- it allows "players" to Buy And Sell Virtual Real Estate online for PLAY or REAL money.

Its truly a unique and wonderful idea -- being able to buy and sell apartments in a virtual simulated market and play with small, but real money. We have built this system that is purely peer to peer skilled gaming that will give the world what they have been wanting for such a long time -- the chance to buy into real estate and make a lot of money. Since people don't have tens of thousands of dollars to spend on real estate right now they can get online and buy these 'Virtual Properties' for a profit and live the dream until this rough economy turns around.

This is the most advanced website we have ever built. We started building this back in 2007 and it has taken this long to finish -- so this website is quality.

The website allows users to signup and choose if they want to play for fun or for real profits. If they choose real profits then they can make a deposit into the game and exchange their real money for Virtual Dollars.

The website displays 13 available virtual properties. Each property has detailed information such as market value and indicators that control its price and growth. Virtual tenants move from one property to the next based on a series of formulas and most of all -- peer to peer trading and momentum which is similar to property popularity. You can learn a lot about these things on the site but I will try not to get into great detail here.

Viewing a property for sale allows the player to purchase a property based on movement, tenants, and charting. The key like all things is buying low and selling high. Once property is purchased they will be able to manage things from their 'Real Estate Investor Control Panel". As you can see from things we spared no expense building the site and making things as graphical and easy to use as possible.
After the user purchases property they can manage their entire portfolio via our graphical interface. They can manage their deposits, withdraws, property holding, upgrades, and more.
Each property gives the game a very unique look and feel and is a fun interface that visitors love and lets them get in touch with what they are building. The icons at the bottom light up as upgrades are made and everything is interactive. When the property is going up in value the trend icons change and it helps the user quickly make good financial choices.

The buying and selling of property goes very quickly in the game and individuals will find themselves buying and selling 4-5 times each day for a profit -- sometimes even in the same hour on very tense turns. The game is 'Real-Time' so people play the game daily -- and sometimes even all day. Its much like playing the stock market!

The game will easily manage +50 simultaneous users playing at the same time on its mildest level. This means everyone buying and selling at the same time during the day -- which is a lot of players. If we need to increase the number then it can be done simply but making the turn time faster -- which could support hundreds of players all at once. Even with 50 players at once -- you would be yielding hundreds of dollars a day in revenue.

The best reason in the world to buy this site from me is because my phone number is on the bottom of this offering... but besides that.. owning a good website is more then just the concept. Trust me -- this concept is like a diamond in the rough with no competition and entering into an industry that is ready to embrace skill gaming. But besides that.. let me tell you what makes my site worth owning.

I know your looking at other sites to buy but I promise you that you get what you pay for and I will prove it to you. Lets say you buy another site and you want to put a link to another website on there.. do you know how to do it? FTP, website editor -- lot of work. Lets say you need to change your PayPal email address that payments go to -- do you really think the person you buy the site from is going to go in there and edit the site for ya? What happens when a user needs their account modified because its setup wrong or you need to issue them out a credit -- do these other sites really provide the TOOLS you need? Of course -- cost too much money to build in all of this. Owning a website can be problematic when its not built right and designed in such a way that things are changeable with ease.

As you read you will understand just how many tools I have built for you and why they are so very important to your success. From simple changes, to game modifications, to managing your marketing campaigns -- I've built you something that is going to take care of you. Other sites are going to leave you with a pen and paper and writing down transactions on your paypal to try to figure out the sales you made and if the site is profitable -- while mine is brilliant, charted, and offers comprehensive statistics. But besides all of that..

You need a website that looks good. I'm talking 'looks good' -- not stock art and slapped together overnight by a college student. This site is professionally designed and seamlessly integrated so when people look at the website they trust it. The website is a work of art and not slapped together. But besides looking good..

Because you can trust the people you work with. I'm not just a developer -- I'm a very talented Internet marketing icon that knows how to makes sales, generates leads, and most importantly for you -- find players. I understand you have to make money to buy these things and I understand your need to make profit and I'm going to guide you into the best way of doing this and empower you with the right tools and marketing materials to get the job done. Your not working with some joe blow that has a website selling panty hose -- I commissioned this site, designed every aspect and as you can see it turned out quite well so you can be assured that your in good hands. I've operated numerous internet companies and this is my job -- I invest and build intellectual property. If I take all this time just to write up the ad to sell it -- imagine how much time I have spent building it. Plus you can contact me via instant messenger, phone, email, and even attend my marketing conferences.

I want you to visit the website, play the game, and see how things work before purchasing: Please visit our sales model site at:

or to view our admin demo:

Its important to trust and believe in the product you sell. Play the game, see how things work and say to yourself "would I play this, will others play this, and will they enjoy playing it". Look at the website in the eyes of a consumer and really decide if its a good product that you would be proud to offer -- and if the answer is 'no' then don't buy this auction because you can't be successful selling something that you don't believe in. I want you to be PROUD to own this and not just look at the site as an investment.

How The Website Makes Money Every website has to 'monetize' as they say. I never understood the term because I always just considered it 'turning a profit'. I don't build things to 'monetize' -- I build them to yield sales and revenues and profit because that is what pays the bills. There is no 'bailout' for people like me -- we have to pay our own bills and because of this I can't, and cannot expect you, to purchase something for this amount of money and not expect a return and profits.

This being said -- let me tell you how this site grows money on trees. Now people don't like to be 'sold' anything now days and they don't want to really pay for anything either. They don't like buying memberships or buying product so I come up with a more nifty way to gently and silently bring the site owner profits.

The 'Real Money' side of the site allows peer to peer game play without a piece of the pie being taken by anyone. This means that they can buy and sell these properties and not have to share their revenues with anyone but themselves -- and people LOVE that.

However, at the end of the day -- the site has to make money. This being said we have designed and and implemented property 'upgrade' feature. Upgrades are used by the player to give a strategic advantage in the game over their property. Players use upgrades to increase the tenants and popularity of their property which ultimately increases their property value. There are good times to use upgrades and bad times to use upgrades but in the end -- upgrades are essential to the success of a players portfolio -- and these 'upgrades' cost the player money.

All revenues made from these upgrades goes directly into the site owners pocket (aka your pocket). These are pure 100% profit revenues and since you own the site and game outright you don't have to pay a penny to anyone.

Since players are constantly buying and selling property you will earn a large portion of the deposited money overtime due to these upgrades -- as much as 40% of the deposited revenues.

As the site grows in popularity so will its ability to sell text links on the partner page and also make strategic partnerships with other gaming companies. We have built in a very easy way to manage partner links and this can also become a great source of incoming -- selling a dozen links and bringing in up to $50 per link each month. No need to edit the website -- you can add links direct from the control panel.

First off let me say -- I know your not as tech savvy as you want to be and I understand that you may not possess the skills of a webmaster. Knowing this I predicted that the owner might not be able to manage this website property -- so I built something to make it SUPER easy.

Demo Control Panel Access Now I can't let you into my control panel because you could edit things which would really mess up the live game play but I have made a demo control panel so you could see things and not break anything. Visit The Demo Control Panel:

The control panel manages all aspects of the game -- from accounting and signup charting to the games economy structure and apartment details. This control panel is one of the most advanced systems you have ever seen yet easy to use. I encourage you to test drive it using the link above.

I built this control panel so you can quickly see new player signups, charts and graphics, payments received, and manage the payments you need to send out. It will also help you manage your marketing, campaign tracking, and site conversion. If you need to edit a users account, change property details, prices, credit values, or game play -- the control panel will do it all. You never have to actually edit the site or do anything technical -- I've made it super simple and just about idiot proof (har har).

Marketing Control Panel

In addition -- I will be providing to you all marketing materials. This means you won't have to spend any money building banners or what not -- I will handle it for you. I know this stuff can be expensive to build so that's why I'm going to take care of it now and in the future. This will ensure that if you need something; its here for you and it will turn out as professional as the rest of the site.

We also built you a marketing control panel that will handle all of your marketing needs and ensure that you have what you need to run profitable campaigns. We have included banners of all sizes -- from small buttons to full skyscraper ads. We also included suggested keywords to be used, phrases, and text ads of many sizes. This will help guide you and give you something to work from when building your first campaigns. Each banner is supported with HTML code you can just copy or paste or direct link to the banner itself. You can download and save it or refer to it via the site -- I've built it everyway I can think of that you will need it.
..Included Is Premium Hosting With Full Unrestricted Access

Also included is hosting for 2-Years. You have FULL access to the cPanel, FTP, and scripting. You are not limited in any way and you can make changes to the site, databases and technology as needed.

The Marketing Control Panel also has marketing advice updated as new markets are discovered. I will be feeding information direct into the control panel outlining great ways to promote the site, marketplace and ads that are performing well, and companies that can help you establish the site. I won't be telling you about the standard stuff like Google adwords -- everyone knows that -- I try to teach my clients about things that work and actually make money and not just run up a visitor counter.

This is a limited release offering. There will be up to 15 websites customized and produced in the likeness of this website. Please understand what your buying and why we have structured things this way.

I know you want a unique website but this is the only way to make this website affordable to you.

So just to be very clear and to keep things honest as possible: You won't be the only person to own this type of site. Its a limited release, and this is the reason why its saving you a small fortune and so well

Let me start by saying that you simply cannot build something like this for the asking price. The content and site integration alone -- much less the programming and artists time -- cost far more then the asking price. Let me explain why you can purchase this at such a good price. I want to be very upfront and clear about this to ensure that you completely understand what you are buying.

This Website is a Limited Release. This is similar to a turnkey site but it has a few fundamental core differences that separates it from a turnkey. In order to keep the cost as low as it is we will be selling up to 15 of these sites to new owners. Each one will be placed on its own domain, customized both contextually and graphically to the new domains name and branding, and released to the owner. Each game will be operated separately from each other and all proceeds go 100% to the new owner. Your website will not be an exact copy of this website -- it will look and feel and be branded to your new domain. It will be quality.

I know this sounds like a downfall but its really to your advantage and let me tell you why. If you just sell this website exclusively to you -- then it would cost upwards of $18,000. Do you really want to pay $18,000 for a website? Of course not -- but you do want to own a website with the quality and support of $18,000 in work. Because we are building 15 of these you will be able to afford one and make money and enjoy the benefits of such a development. That's the reason this website doesn't look like garbage like all the other sites out there -- its costly.

I know your thinking to yourself -- market saturation. With all of these people out there promoting how are you going to make any money, right? You have to take in consideration -- there are hundreds of marketplaces out there to promote this, billions of people willing to play it, and billions of websites that act as linking opportunities for you. No one person or website can saturate the market enough to capture all reasonable players out there willing to spend money. In fact, even with 15 websites, I don't believe everyone collectively will capture 1% of the market. Everyone could promote in the same marketplace and still not purchase all of the available ad space to even remotely being competitive to each other. This product and game is so unique that having just 15 people in the industry is a blessing -- rather then owning a dating site and having to complete with 10,000 dating sites. For the price and opportunity this is as close to owning an exclusive piece of this scale as you might ever get without spending twenty thousand dollars.

I'm not just going to hand you the site and wave from the shore as your boat floats into the distance -- I'm going to help you establish this site. In exchange for doing this I hope that you will purchase sites from me in the future because this helps me build a long term and prosperous living out of my line of work. Before I was a developer -- I was a Internet marketing professional. I don't do TV or print ads -- I only do Internet marketing and I'm fantastic at it. I've handed over truckloads of money to Google (and they have quickly flushed it down the corporate toilet) and I've spent a mint in PPC with some but little results. After losing hundreds of thousands of dollars I have learned over the last 10 years what does and does not work. I understand impression campaigns, social campaigns, SEO, direct advertising, and sales forces. I've managed everything from setting up guys to follow-up on leads within a companies clients to billion impression campaigns -- I know marketing.

After setting up your site your going to have access to my personal consulting and I can help you get this established with players. I can show you how to chase profitable link opportunities, operate impression campaigns, newsletter promotions, and direct sales. Marketing isn't easy but not hard when you have good consulting and guidance to hold your hand and keep you from pouring good money after bad into 'what everyone else' think will work. I missed the boat (by a mile) on bailout money so MY advertising dollar has to count because its coming out of my pocket and I will always treat your shoe-string budget the same way. Companies are not established with lots of cash to throw at things and this is no economy to waste money so I will be helping you get this established on a small budget and in the most direct manner possible. Not only does it matter how much you spend on promotion but also how fast we can establish it -- time is money so I won't be wasting either of yours.

No Other Costs Involved

I am an honest and upfront individual -- so there is never any unethical whammies involved with anything I do or sell. That means there are no hosting fees, or consulting fees, or annual fees, or hidden costs, or otherwise padding to this auction that might end up costing you more money then the BIN.

Just to be clear. There are no other fees. I'm going to host the site for you -- at no cost -- for two years or longer. I say two years because I have to give it some kind of limit -- but I have been hosting sites for 7 years without charging a penny to anyone; so I don't expect to ever change that. There are NO other fees outside of the auction price -- just have some money on the side that you can use to run your first promotion campaigns. I am a very reasonable person and I want you to be successful so everything will be straight forward and as fair as possible so that way we both always win and can conduct business together for a long time. Don't look at this as me trying to sell you a site; I'm just trying to gain you as a client


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