Sunday, November 4, 2012

Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge new bloody trailer | Video Game Blog ...

Published: 03 November 2012 5:13 AM UTC

Posted in: News, Nintendo News, Wii U

Tags: ayane, new, ninja gaiden 3, razor's edge, team ninja, trailer, Wii U

Blood, blood and some more blood: there?s gonna be plenty in Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor?s Edge, as shown in the latest trailer available here.

Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor?s Edge is an enhanced version of Ninja Gaiden 3, released this year on Ps3 and Xbox 360. It will include all the?downloadable content from the original title. Graphics will be enhanced too, with full 1080p compatibility.
The game will have some exclusive features thanks to the unique Wii U Gamepad: the touch screen will be used to quickly switch weapons, perform special attacks, display detailed informations and even control your characters much alike Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword, released some time ago on Nintendo DS.
The additions don?t end here: there?ll be new weapons, improved enemy AI, new battle arenas and a new upgrade menu.
The game will also feature an online cooperative mode: players will be able to choose the female ninja Ayane of the Dead or Alive series with her exclusive weapons and abilities; players will also be able to use Ayane in a new Chapter Challange mode.

Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor?s Edge will be released exclusively on Wii U on November 8 in North America, December 8 in Japan and January 11 2013 in Europe.


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